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NFC - The ability to connect the unconnected


NFC provides 4 key capabilities that make our daily life more convenient and more secure:

  1. Easy network access and data sharing – With NFC, the process of connecting devices is easy and intuitive. There’s no lengthy handshaking or data entry requirements. Just tap and you’re connected to a world of convenience, information, and enhanced experiences.
  2. User control with expressed intent – NFC offers a simple, intuitive means of indicating the user’s intent to initiate action. It puts users in control by enabling them to connect on their terms and when they choose. A quick tap makes it clear.
  3. Data security at multiple levels — Wide-open networks allow opportunities for hackers. NFC counters with built-in features that limit opportunities for eavesdropping, and easy-to-deploy options for additional protections to match each use case.
  4. The ability to connect the unconnected — NFC solves the problem of unpowered objects that lack network access. By embedding NFC tags in these objects, you can add intelligence anywhere. With a tap of an NFC-enabled device, it can open a URL and deliver content that enhances the customer experience.

source: http://nfc-forum.org/9929-2/