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NFC App(s), but for what ?

NFC equipped devices are here to stay and will go mainstream in 2013. Almost any smartphone, any tablet, and soon any notebook or PC holds a Near Field Communication (NFC) reader/writer module.

More and more NFC smartphones and tablets are available on market. We already have found over 53 NFC enabled phones! On this link you can compare NFC phones http://smartphones.venturebeat.com/. And here is a link with complete NFC mobile phones list: http://www.nfcworld.com/nfc-phones-list/.

There exist many ways NFC will change our world. Just think about the possibilities that Winwatch's Near Field Communication (NFC) empowered watch can offer you literally as a Virtual Assistant by simple ,tap' on your smartphone and/or tablet!

Please find below 2 apps that Winwatch has developped for you, exclusively to be used by NFC empowered Winwatch Fafleralp 1787m watches (now available for free download on Google Play Store).

- 100% effective Product Authentication for wristwatches has become possible: Winwatch's NFC watches are each one unique and verifiably authentic. The NFC chip embedded in the watch crystal has an unfalsifiable and unclonable digital serial number(64-bit unique identifier). Notice: today no luxury watch brand is able to offer a comparable anti-counterfeiting solution - even high branding watches are delivered with a certificate of origin in simple paper form, or in a more sophisticated plastic credit-card format.

- Mobile Security by 2-Factor Authentication (your watch secures your smartphone): As people move through life, they want to experience a seamlessly mobile world with anywhere, anytime connections. The smartphone is already the most dominant communication device in the world - to be also the most trusted and secure device, it needs to be protected by a security system provided by 2-factor authentication capability (2FA).


But there exist many others NFC mobile apps available on Android Market (e.g. Google Play Store), on BlackBerry App World and finally on Windows Phone Store that dramatically expand the potential of your wristwatch and make life easier and much more secure. Just think about tasks and smart functions that your NFC empowered timepiece can execute by being the unique identificator and/or access key. 


Finally, we stop here writing and let you explore yourself the fascinating world of Near Field Communication. Enjoy your first NFC watch empowered by Winwatch - and personalize it with your preferred sapphire crystal color.

We remain at your disposal for any further information you may need.

Your Winwatch Sales Team