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August Update: 137 NFC equipped smartphones!

Posted on 7th Aug 2013 @ 8:24 PM

Here is a selection of the top NFC Phones that interact great with Winwatch's NFC equipped watch sapphire crystals.

In the news: According to ABI Research, more than 500 million NFC-enabled devices will be in use by consumers worldwide by the end of next year. That's up from 285 million NFC phones shipping 2013.

A great number of NFC smartphones and tablets are now available on market (9 of 10 mobile phone brands deliver NFC devices - except Apple). We already have found over 137 NFC enabled phones! On this link you can compare NFC phones  http://smartphones.venturebeat.com/. And here is a link with complete NFC mobile phones and NFC tablets list: http://www.nfcworld.com/nfc-phones-list/.

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