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28.03.2013 - More than 150 NFC equipped smartphones available on market (Android, BlackBerry, WindowsPhone)

Posted on 28th Mar 2013 @ 6:23 PM

Here is an April 2013 selection of the 20 top NFC Phones that interact great with Winwatch Fafleralp 1787M watches.

"NFC has reached the point of no return!"

In the news: According to ABI Research, more than 500 million NFC-enabled devices will be in use by consumers worldwide by the end of next year. That's up from 285 million NFC phones shipping 2013.

Lots of NFC smartphones and tablets are now available on market (9 of 10 mobile phone brands deliver NFC devices - except Apple). We already have found over 150 NFC enabled phones! On this link you can compare NFC phones  http://smartphones.venturebeat.com/. And here is a link with complete NFC mobile phones and NFC tablets list: http://www.nfcworld.com/nfc-phones-list/.

A Swiss watch can be more than nice to wear !

Check out our free NFC apps on Google Play Store:

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